近日,埃塞俄比亞規劃發展部前國務部長、北京大學南南合作與發展學院非洲學生代表西姆在接受中國新聞網采訪時表示,當前非洲正面臨發展挑戰,中國提出的共建“一帶一路”倡議為埃塞俄比亞的一些重點項目提供了靈活的融資渠道,并為當地企業工人帶去切實可行的生產機制、技術和知識技能等。中國在快速發展、分享發展經驗以及為全球南方國家項目提供資金等方面,都發揮著引領作用。(王高飛 陳彩霞)
The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has offered flexible financing options for key projects in Ethiopia and has introduced practical mechanisms, technologies, knowledge and skills to local workers, noted Endalkachew Sime, former Ethiopian Minister of Planning and Development, PhD Candidate at the Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development of Peking University, told China News Network. China plays a leading role in accelerating development, sharing valuable experience and providing financial resources for projects in Global South countries. (Wang Gaofei, Chen Caixia)